Important Notice: ElephantSQL is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

pgAdmin is the leading graphical Open Source management, development and administration tool for PostgreSQL.

Below is an example of how to set up a connection to pgAdmin. You can find all connection details in the details page of your ElephantSQL Console.

URL structure


Example URL


  • Name: Name of the set up, for example ElephantSQL
  • Host name/address: Hostname of the database, in this case:
  • Port: Port to the database, 5432
  • Maintenance DB: The name of your database, in this case: roxvyxky
  • Username: Username for your database, in this case: roxvyxky
  • Password: Password for your database.
  • postgres database

Shared Server

When configuring a shared server with PgAdmin you can filter to your database on the server. During the connection setup the database name can be specified in the Db restriction field. Limiting the visible databases to your own database.
postgres database settings