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Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging

Written by Mona Dadoun

You're now able to ship your PostgreSQL monitoring log from ElephantSQL dedicated instances to Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging!

Stackdriver logging makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. All you need to do to get your ElephantSQL logs into Google's Stackdriver Logging is to create specific Stackdriver Logging credentials. For Stackdriver logging you need to create credentials of type Service Account Key and download a JSON file that contains the private key. You can manage your credentials at Google Console. Stackdriver Logging Credentias You can find all ElephantSQL integration options under the Integration tab in the control panel for your instances. Enter the Project ID and paste the Account Key JSON file to enable it. Stackdriver Logging integration When you've completed the steps above, you should be able to see your logs at Stackdriver Logging.